Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Chinese Sense Of Smell

Being Chinese is indeed a sense of smell. The smell of incense to worship the Gods, the smell of oils to cure a cold or to heal a wound, the smell of herbal soups to cure an ailment, the smell of ginseng roots for longevity and vitality, is this a 'spell word' for healthy business?
Compare and contrast, the smell of being in a room for a week surrounded by dead bodies. This pungent aroma of 'sense of smell' is sure to make the difference between life and death!
Well, let's go for the more pleasant smell sense! Here's to Paris, where perfumes behold the land of romantic pleasantries! Here's to Canada where the abundant smell of ice-wine from the Niagara vineyards is sure to drunken all the other senses. Forget not Trinidad & Tobago, where food smells of callaloo, smoke herring choka, salt-fish buljol accras, pelau, curry dhal and hotroti accentuates the call for "food tourism island" from the Ministry Of Food Tourism or is it the Ministry of Agricultural Tourism?
So we have the life or death of smells from various cultures across the globe!
Cheers to those blessed with a living sense of smell. :-)

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Laws Of the Universe vs Religious sense

I listened to two speeches over the weekend. I completed one blog & just couldnt wait to finish work today, to come home to start this blog. My mind was in a dark empty space, as I routinely carry out my duties at work.
Religion already knows everything according to the bible, sterile or boring? The universe is a sense of discovery, a journey into the unknown, an interesting mystery? How did the universe begin? How will it end, with big bang or crumble?
Professor Lawrence Krauss originally from Cleveland Ohio, currently residing in Phoenix, is one my much admired physicist professor from Arizona State University who engages in ongoing research for new theories so much so, that my mind enters into the empty dark space, much of which exists within the universe, 70% according to him. One of his research projects is based on cosmology and how it changes our universe.
You just must listen to this man, a universe out of nothing!  He's charismatic & even if you are not interested in the least bit about the age of the universe or dark matter, dark energy, his audio, video & kinesthetic dramatic ability to draw you to concur with his conclusions through his ample sense of humor is simply breathtaking. 
He started off with Einstein theory of relativity 1916, conventional wisdom, gravity pulls and changes matter, how objects moves in space, galaxies move away from each other, so that the universe is expanding & how space expands & contracts, how things like light can curve around a mass, motion of planets around the sun, then rumbled onto Hubble. Hubble started as a lawyer and ended studying astronomy, lol.  Mind you, my knowledge of physics is zero-rated. So for me to go into the actual formulae of protons and measuring the speed of light, I don't have a clue. 
Nothing is nothing anymore from the law of  quantum mechanics & the theory of relativity.  The universe is a boiling brew of particles. Nothing is something. However, I did manage to grapple with the thought that each of us is the result of a star. The atom in left hand may be different from atom in right hand, particles & gases explode, Standard Candle after Hubble, says that the age of universe is 13.27 billion years! Stars exploded so that we could be here. Imagine, I am a Roman Catholic & I have begun to believe that Christ didn't die that we might have life! It's the stars that died that we might have life, :-) The galaxies are always expanding, stopping & continuing in a flat universe. Professor Lawrence Krauss is continually proving that the universe is either open, closed or flat. If the universe is open or closed, the probability of gas explosions and the big bang theory, the world will end but HOW. This is the reason for his continous 'research in motion' ("RIM"). Professor Lawrence recognises cosmic humility for we cannot know everything, we cannot see into 'the future that remains a mystery'. His humor is added by his piece, that we are lonely & ignorant but dominant if we are Americans, lol.  We all know that the earth is round, but outside the earth, there is space which is 30% dark matter & 70% of universe resides in empty space ie dark energy.  The earth is insignificantly less than 1%. I find it so intriguing because, if the universe is flat, then the world has no end which according to the prayer, 'Glory be to the Father & to the son & to the holy spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end, AMEN! 

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Law Of The Senses

Listening to Kent Streseman an associate professor in appellate advocacy & Carolyn Shapiro also an  associate professor from Kent College Of Law & director of the Institute within the US Supreme Court simply blow my senses away. 
Re: case Affordable Care Act vs Tax Anti-Injunction Act
Prof Kent mentioned that the Obama administration was careful to use the term 'tax vs penalty'. Carolyn agreed that tax suggested political encryption.
To me penalties are too  'harsh words' for any kind of reform.
One critical issue that brings me home is whether statutes can be acclaimed constitutionally right or wrong. I now appreciate the resounding statement by Dr Kris Rampersad --  'it's in the constitution, stupid!'. --
Ok, the real reason for me writing this blog is the statement made by Kent when he stressed that one can see, feel and smell that this Anti-Injunction Act is a tax. Under the US healthcare system, it is mandatory that working people pay health insurance just like in all other countries. The only difference  & I am entitled to correction if I have erred in my statement here, is that because the healthcare system is 'first-world' in the US, everybody wants access. Indeed in the Caribbean & other developing nations, the wealthy will pay their insurances or taxes & the penalty is the majority of paying individuals almost always never utilize the public health care service! 
The sense of feel and hearing for the poor resonates unequivocally throughout poorer or developing nations where an abundance of pleasure is not the order of call. Sharing therefore becomes automatic, because the sense of sight & smell dictate to the affordable mass that 'public hospitals' are by no means the standard of care that is to their entitlement. The double taxation laws are in effect because one pays the automatic surcharge deductions & proceeds to pay a private institution again. 
Blessed are the poor for they shall inherit the earth! So why not? 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Educating blindness

Once again, the senses! Becoming an image consultant or photographer or heart healthy consultant, engages a competency framework for human development. First of all, I had to read three books. One on becoming fabulous by Jobity was 10 chapters & completed. The other is .... 26 chapters and I have only read 10 chapters. Yet another that coincides with my job is about 8000 pages and I have only read about 1000 pages. This is in addition to my weekend chores of being a mother, wife, daughter, sister to a disabled brother and an aunt. A very busy schedule I might add.
Let's talk about becoming fabulous! Here's a list of things to do:
1) determine if u are warm or cool tone
2) determine if u are pear shape, inverted triangle, hour-glass or rectangular.
3) determine your colours to match your tone
4) determine your sense of style, are you traditional sophisticated with a touch of romance like Mrs Obama and Kate Middleton, well blended, I must add. Or are you eclectic with a touch of outdoors like moi? Nobody could be the perfect seductress that was Marilyn Munroe or the perfect diva like Lady Gaga.
Now with your sense of sight or foresight, you are well on your way to becoming an image consultant :-) Good-luck!
Photography I always thought was easy. Just press a button, especially with all the gadgets around. But no! The sense of touch, feel, sight and speech is ever present minus the sound of hearing to my limited knowledge thus far since I have not completed my readings.
There is a rule of thirds and a rule of space within the composition of a photo that makes it an art. Yet, as I discover lighting & there are so many different types of lighting from hard top to soft top to dimensional to side lighting, not to mention bounce flash & all these determine texture shadow depth effects. Of course you must decide on an expensive lens, one that will not diffract light. This brings me to conclude that photography is really the science of lighting!
My time is running out, I must attend to my daytime job so I'm heading off to rest my senses already so distracted by the many chores of life. I guess my 'golden hours' do not co-incide with the photographer's hours. It is almost mid-night in my country, so till next time, adios amigos ;-)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

FOOD intelligence

Craving inward hunger..... Without food intelligence, it's like toxins to the soul, a health hazard ;-) What the eye cannot see, the nose cannot smell, the mouth cannot taste, the sense of crave is no longer wild. Rum & Roti politics may just not be good for me, lol
This is not akin to what the catholic church preaches, the words of Fr Joseph Harris, newly appointed archbishop of POS, 'there is one heaven for all' We have to live together, we have to eat other's foods, we must not starve each other, we have to get along and share. Side by side we stand. True dat? When the the blood mix is different, is there reason to believe that the food mix must be different too?! Uh?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Chi (Part 2)

So Dr Glenville Ashby had a talk with Willi Chen in provoking 'what's inside the Chinese mind'
Trinidad Guardian Thursday March 1st 2012, page A30
Chi was interpreted as 'Gensim, sak... ju chon'
This 'chi' inspired aphorism translates rightly, - 'if you make up your mind, you can shatter a stone'
So I consulted the elders, LOL
Ha....my traditionals have told me 'Gensim, gong ted, mow... sinjim'
Another 'chi' inspired aphorism that translates, if you makeup your mind, then you can make a pin out of the biggest piece of iron through perseverance, commitment, persistent dedication and continuous improvement.
Now there are many lessons here.
An old rusty piece of iron, do you know the difficulty that lies in making a small shiny pin out of that?
Out of big ugly seemingly unimportant can come something anew, useful, and innovatively so.
So said, so done. The rest is solely chinese history!
This brings me back to my other yellow buddy's teachings that I learnt in Western schools of management thought. It's the words 'kaizen' & 'mudda'. In Japanese language, this translates to simply, continuous learning & continuous improvement.
The reason I stress 'yellow buddy teachings' is not to be expressive of race, but rather back to my focus on the colour of multiple intelligences.
And this leads me to the artists & me.... liking the artistic creative capabilities of the unimaginative mind. Not that I am an artist, but then, so what?